Claims Depot Logo


Lost money
on your Pension?

It's estimated that thousands of people are owed compensation.

CorporateLiveWire global awards
SME news award


Our Successful Claims

Mr. J received bad advice to transfer his pension.

He was awarded £50,000 compensation.

Mr. P was mis-sold shares and lost £7,225.

He was awarded £16,989 compensation.

Mr. D received bad advice to transfer his British Steel Pension.

He was awarded £85,000 compensation.

*Disclaimer: the claim amounts above are genuine, though the images used are not the actual claimants, in order to protect their identity.

About Us

Claims Depot is a site dedicated to connecting victims of unsuitable financial advice with compensation recovery experts.  Whether you were mis-sold shares or advised to transfer your pension to a product that was not right for your personal situation you could be entitled to compensation.